Sunday, September 7, 2008


I've got to admit, we were all pretty nervous before our first presentation. Up until this point we had only presented to Adam and once to Carter's family. So, looking out over the Dickenson auditorium packed with over three hundred guys was a little daunting. Quickly though, those nerves turned into energy and we nailed our first presentation. Each of us having struggled with different presenting issues, felt confident in our ability to present to an actual audience. Presenting this first Men's Program provided a great deal of excitement for the real work of the tour.

Also, we were lucky too have been met with such friendly contacts for our first presentation. We got the chance to eat dinner with one of our contacts Tim and a couple of student athletes. This gave us a great chance to understand the Dickenson culture before presenting.

During the presentation, we were able to finally look out onto a sea of faces and understand the power of our program. To see students processing information and really thinking about some of the issues we raise is incredibly rewarding. We each feel so lucky to have had such a positive first presentation.

Dickenson is located in Carlisle, PA. Carlisle is a very sweet city, full of bookstores, coffee shops, and cafes throughout the downtown area. I think we were each glad to be located at a school that afforded us the chance to leave the RV and meander through a city. Williamsburg was not quite so pedestrian friendly.

Of course, living in the RV was an adjustment. Parking at Dickenson really enforced the reality of our lives for the next year. The reality of living in an RV and parking in back lots and searching for restrooms was then combined with the truth of our first presentation- we are living in an RV to do amazing work.

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