Friday, September 5, 2008

Life on the Road

Hey everyone!

We, the 2008-2009 National Peer Educators, have been on the road for a couple weeks now. I bet you can imagine how our lives have totally changed!

For one, we live on an RV. This has been interesting. We've had to adjust to the sound of all our belongings shifting loudly as we drive or seeing each other at almost every moment in the day. While RV living is quite different than living someplace bolted down, it definitely has major perks. For one, we get to see the country from the comfort of a couch. We've driven past New York City, Washington D.C., through the Adirondacks, and along the coast of Maine.

Each of us is already able to tell that this adventure will have a great, positive impact on us and our audiences.

Since we've been on the road for a while, I want to make sure we get you caught up on the adventure up until this point- so the following posts will detail some of our experiences thus far!

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